Make Peace Personal In 2020 – January 12th session

Is world peace possible in our lifetime? Is it possible humanity could become 100% civilized exercising mutual respect for life, family, community and continually making the planet a better place to live? When the challenges to peace among humanity and destruction of the planet via climate change seem  over-whelming – what can any one of us do?

The answer (in my opinion) is to start a coherent wave of frequency to resonate around the world.  If you understand the holographic principle that whole is contained in all of the parts you will also understand that your own resonance positive or negative will make a difference on the energetic grid of humanity.  Our day to day lives are merely a reflection of the bigger image on the world stage.

This imaging can be captured in a few questions: Where are you not at peace in your life? What relationships have been left unmended for you? Where in your life are things raging like the fires in Austrailia or out of control?  What do you want instead in your life in 2020?

Join me for a group proxy repatterning on Sunday January 12th at 2:00pm  for a WORLD PEACE HOLOGRAM repatterning – the first of 12 for 2020.  In this session we’ll identify and repatterning our issues and intentions and how they relate to the world at large.  While empirical evidence is not available, the positive changes you notice in the world is the confirmation we are looking for.. it will add to the waves of intentions for so many groups, so many invisible people wishing for a peace and prosperity that allows everyone the dignity of having a life, family and community free of hatred and cradled with respect.  Join Me and make a difference. !

With love and light for a peaceful world

Carolyn Winter
Holographic Coach

To participate submit your issue and intention at this google doc form link

View the session live January 12 at 2:0pm or watch recording later here: