Won’t You Be My Neighbor? The Wisdom of Mr. Rogers…with Ardis Ozborn

December 15, 2018 at noon (est)

Please join me and Laura Franco for a world peace hologram session coming into resonance with the wise words of Mr. Rogers. For over 50 years his program geared to pre-school age children touched lives and opened hearts for the children and their families. A recent documentary on his life and his philosophy met with critical success and a new biography on him is coming out soon. Laura and I have been discussing him for several months, sharing the impact he had on our lives and we thought it would make a wonderful session.

Please include your energy into the session and come into alignment with kindness, tolerance, love and compassion. When we are aligned that sends a signal out from us to the people we interact with and this is how the world becomes more loving and accepting of differences.

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Oct.29 @ 3PM (Pacific): Resonate with a Civilized Election!

Are you weary of the the attack ads being run for all the various candidates this year? the robo calls; the divisiveness of our nation? Do you want things to be different? If so please join us for this group repatterning to resonate with civility during the upcoming mid term elections. Be part of the solution..and then vote your conscience.

You can participate in this group repatterning by filling in the form at the link below or by watching the recording. Once we identify how to be civil and we resonate with that concept we will all feel better!



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