Won’t You Be My Neighbor? The Wisdom of Mr. Rogers…with Ardis Ozborn

December 15, 2018 at noon (est)

Please join me and Laura Franco for a world peace hologram session coming into resonance with the wise words of Mr. Rogers. For over 50 years his program geared to pre-school age children touched lives and opened hearts for the children and their families. A recent documentary on his life and his philosophy met with critical success and a new biography on him is coming out soon. Laura and I have been discussing him for several months, sharing the impact he had on our lives and we thought it would make a wonderful session.

Please include your energy into the session and come into alignment with kindness, tolerance, love and compassion. When we are aligned that sends a signal out from us to the people we interact with and this is how the world becomes more loving and accepting of differences.

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