Creating a Resonance for Coping & Recovery 

Creating a Resonance for Coping & Recovery
with Carolyn Winter, Holographic Coach
Sunday May 3, 2020 at 2:00-3:00pm Eastern 

Join us for a return to repatterning sessions where we make world peace – personal.  The covid pandemic feels like Mother Earth is down with the flu, in bed and suffering.  All of us on the grid of humanity are feeling her pain with  job losses, personal losses, unexpected illness, and the stress of nursing her back with social distancing, isolation,government stimulus and a world of adapting to a new way of doing our lives.

Many of us are experiencing the front line anxiety of what it means to be so sick.. or the toll it is taking on front line health care workers, their families and every worker responsible for keeping us going with the food supply chain, etc.

Our repatterning session will help all of us resonate with the qualities we need to survive,  to cope and flourish when this is over (…if not before!).   We’ll all extend our energy antennae and tune into what our families, communities and local governements need for intentions. Let’s create a morphic field of resonance that helps flatten the curve and heals Mother Earth and ourselves.

Carolyn Winter
Holographic Coach

Everyone is welcomed!
Join me for this repatterning  session!

Broadcasting live May 3rd at 2:00pm Eastern
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